

Building AWS Lambda function in Rust

This post is a summary of my presentation on 18th Monthly Technical Session. As I worked more on AWS Lambda for some feature of our service, I looked into developing AWS Lambda functions with languages not supported by Amazon. Recently, I'…

Tool to help developing AWS Lambda function in Python on your local machine.

We are trying to migrate some part of our service from daemon on EC2 server to serverless function on Lambda. By doing this, we will be able to save some pennies on AWS service and save some time from server maintainence. At first, we did …

UI testing with splinter

Ui testing with splinter - Fri, 30 May 2014 from Taizo Ito テストツール Splinter の紹介です。 Splinter は Web アプリケーションの UI テストツールです。 インストール・使用方法ともに簡単で、気軽に利用できるツールですので、ぜひ試してみてくださ…